Fashion & Substance: The Style Up Fashion Show Teams with Drug-Free World

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World collaborated with the Fashion Coffee Style Up Fashion Show in Brooklyn during New York Fashion Week. This partnership aimed to use fashion as a platform to promote drug awareness and the importance of a drug-free lifestyle.

Attendees of the Style Up Fashion Show received Drug-Free World gift bags containing the Truth About Drugs Educator kit, offering comprehensive information on the dangers of substance abuse and ways to combat it.

Taji De Souza, host and producer of the Fashion Show, was excited to blend fashion and creativity with the drug-free message. The event provided a unique opportunity for the Foundation to reach a diverse audience, including fashion-conscious youth, reminding them that a drug-free lifestyle is crucial for physical and mental health and personal success.

The collaboration between the Style Up Fashion Show and the Foundation for a Drug-Free World showcases the potential for the fashion industry to act as a catalyst for change by addressing pressing social issues. This partnership hopes to inspire and educate people to make informed choices and work towards a healthier, drug-free world.


Foundation for a Drug-Free World Co-Sponsors Global Leaders Event


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