Your Donation Helps Others Lead Drug-Free Lives.

Drug-Free World is a non-profit organization funded by grants and donations from those committed to promoting drug-free lives.

Your support allows us to provide free educational materials and prevention initiatives to schools, youth organizations, govt. agencies and more. Whatever your donation—any amount is appreciated and is well-spent—it will help provide people of all ages with the facts they need to live healthy, drug-free lives.

Donations to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World are fully tax-deductible as governed by law. Tax ID: 20-5812172. For any questions concerning new or existing donations, please contact us.

Certified top-rated non-profit by GreatNonprofits.

One-Time Donation

Any amount is appreciated

Monthly Donations


Bronze Status


Silver Status


Gold Status


Platinum Status


Diamond Status

What Your Contributions Support

Outreach & Events
Drug-Free World volunteers and ambassadors travel throughout the world delivering free drug-education events, seminars and keynote speeches, informing millions on our drug-ed materials who can make effective use of our materials.

Materials & Curriculum
Encompasses drug education booklets covering nearly all illicit drugs and various prescription drug abuses. In addition, an entire curriculum is provided with engaging e-courses, and a user-friendly app facilitating teaching drug education and prevention to students and parents.

Training Programs
Educators, parents, government officials, law enforcement, religious leaders and others can receive free drug-ed and prevention training in which they learn to deliver the Drug-Free World curriculum to their groups, communities and offices.